Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mid-Term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mid-Term - Essay Example this title, I will use the term children under concern to refer to children in the United States who include abandoned, orphaned or children separated from one or all of their parents. Before the Civil War, these children were used as servants. Many were traded and shipped to colonial America from England. Most of them provided labor in the farms in exchange for boarding and food. There was little government involvement in their welfare. Mostly they were held under the indenture system. A movement, congregate living movement, just before mid-eighteenth century, fought against the indenture system. The movement held that these children under concern be rehabilitated and mass housed in orphanages like charity-supported almshouse. The first of these facilities in North America got opened in Georgia and was termed â€Å"private orphan asylum†. Most of them were mostly funded by religious charities and mostly white children under age ten were taken in. When the American Revolutionary War ended, seven years in South Carolina there was established the first public orphanage. By this time private ones were being opened up in many places in the United States. In 1838 the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in EX PARTE CROUSE, held that children have needs, not rights, and that the government has to ensure provision of education, protection and care needed by children including those under concern herein. Charles Loring Brace, considered the father of modern foster care, in 1953 founded the New York Children’s Aid Society (NYCAS). This was partly motivated by the fact that orphanages were getting overwhelmed. He oversaw transportation of the children under concern from highly populated to less populated regions of the country. This ran for seventy five years till before start of the Great Depression. Around 1875, states started passing child labor laws in their legislature and got more active in foster care. 1909 then saw the first national conference for children under

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Christians Should Not Take Part In Sport Or Shopping Essay Example for Free

Christians Should Not Take Part In Sport Or Shopping Essay The important thing about this statement is that it can be argued two ways. Many people would see sport or shopping as a chore therefore related to work. Others would argue that it is a leisure activity and it is not work. With this in mind the church instated a law saying that all Catholics must attend mass on a Sunday. The Catholic Church itself has no laws or restrictions about shopping or playing sport on a Sunday. By tradition Sunday was the holy day separated and set aside by the fact the mass going was essential to the days activities. In The Old testament there is a saying in the book of Ecclesiastes saying there is a set and provide time for everything which basically means people should balance out there time between things. In todays society were everything is on the move and rushed priorities should be examined and people should use the gift of time wisely. God himself as many believed set down the day of worship. Sunday has three main important events, which coincide with this day. One: Jesus rose from the dead on this day.  Two: Sunday was the first Day of the week and the first day of creation.  Three: Jesus sent down the Holy Spirit On The Pentecost.  Sunday is also a day of celebration when Catholics come together to give praise to God and to thank God for what he has given all of them.  Sport nowadays has become big business for all involved. Among all the big names in sport no one objects to playing on Sundays because of all of the money involved. This is just a small list of all the sports that are being played on Sundays Although sport is played on money for reasons other the money many include because of TV rights and because of sponsors. Christians should not take part on sport on Sunday because sport is seen as work in the churchs eyes. Many values are expressed in sport such as sportsmanship, fairplay etc.  Shopping is the second of the changing faces of Sunday is becoming the most popular one. Many family lifestyles revolve around the parents work and therefore many parents only get to see their children at the weekends. The weekend is often regarded as the days to get the shopping done and many rely on Sunday heavily. Since seven day shopping was legalised in 1977, many have taken advantage over the law. Teresa Murray head of the N. Ireland Region Of Shopping Centres said Sunday Shopping has become like a leisure pursuit for families and has become an important trading day for people in business. Business provides a service and depending on the demand it either succeeds or fails and on Sunday nowadays shopping has become a demand so in order to make money business open for the maximum hours allowed which is six. Many working families dont have much time to spend so end up using Sunday to spend time with there children or getting tings that they could get during the week such as grocery shopping. All the added time spend on Sundays has increased the employment needed for Sundays. Bob Gourley head of N. Ireland Shop Workers Union said they had been opposed to the Sunday trading laws and had in fact boycotted them for many years but however hard they try Sunday trading has become a reality. Our workers only work on Sunday where it is done by agreement

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effects of multitasking on human physiological

Effects of multitasking on human physiological It is believed by scientists that rather than simultaneous attending to all tasks at once, what really happens during multitasking is a rapid change of focus between tasks. While research supports the fact that highly practiced skills can be easily performed while one is thinking about something else, but the addition of a task that requires decision making switches ones attention to that task. When people perform higher level tasks, they are using the cognitive function called executive control This function is housed in prefrontal cortex. The part of the brain associated with perception and thinking. Executive control is the brains supervisor for most cognitive functioning. It establishes priorities, decides what tasks are the most important, and assigns mental resources to completing the tasks. Executive control has 2 main activities: goal shifting and rule activation. Although these activities take only several tenths of a second, the repeated need to switch between tasks can add extra time for performing both tasks. Management of short term memory is another fundamental aspect of multitasking. C:UsersShreyaDesktopmultitasking flowchart_files2780600401001.png Factors affecting multitasking behaviours and information task switching. Brain: We are learning a lot more each day. Advance of brain imaging and functional brain imaging (what our brain does when we challenge it) has clarified us to what happens when we multitask. Our brains are not very adapted for multiple streams of information at the same time but rather focussing at a paticular direction. When we do things that require a great deal of attention as compared to walking while chewing gum what happens is we switch between two things. And with each switch there is cost of performance that occurs. A surprising discovery tells us that people who multitask most frequently think they are the best at it. But actually thay are the worst at any important task at multitasking. One might question then what are the so called multitaskers good at? A study revealed that when we talk on phone while driving we get better at it with time. What actually happens is that they filter out the road as they are involved in a conversation. As ironically high multitaskers are bad at filtering out the road actually see the road more and drive a little better. Swithching of attention occurs in a region right behind the forehead called Brodmanns Area 10 in the brains anterior prefrontal cortex as seen in MRI. Area 10 is part of the frontal lobes, which are important for maintaining long-term goals and achieving them . The most anterior part allows us to leave something when its incomplete and return to the same place and continue from there.This gives us a form of multitasking, which is actually sequential processing. Because the prefrontal cortex is one of the last regions of the brain to mature and one of the first to decline with aging, young children do not multitask well, and neither do most adults over 60. Addiction: Its our desire and need to be engaged to novelty, its well known that novel stimuli or enviorment arouse the reward system and this is part of what allowed us to be engaged by novelty. Multitasking has a higher novel load and to continiously switch to a new task feels exciting. This sort of interaction with multitasking leads to addictive levels in people. And people crave for this type of stimuli. Research reveals that most high multitaskers believe that new information is better than old information.Where as low multitaskers believe that the information they are working with is more valuable.It is seen that younger people look at information because they feel something thrilling is happening out there, for older people who check their e-mails dont want to get away. Stress and hormonal activity: Whenever demands exceed abilities, stress is bound to follow. Multitasking is espicially stressful when the tasks are important, as they often are on the job. Its said that brain responds to impossible demands by pumping out adrenaline and other stress hormones that put a person on edge. These hormoes provide a quick burst of energy wont make multitasking easier. Just like an old pickup cant go 150 miles per hour no matter how much fuel you put in he tank or how hard you step on the gas. Over time of stress of multitasking may even become dangerous. Results show that a steady flow stress hormones can strain the body and threaten the health. As recently reported by the American National Institute for Occupational Saftey and Health, numerous studies found out that on-the-job stress can cause headache, stomach problems and sleep disorders. Chronic work-related problems can lead to chronic problems includind back pain, hear disease and depression. Studies reveal that our bodies release hormone called cortisol during stress, caused due to multitasking. Cortisol is needed to carry out various functions in the body but incresed levels of cortisol results in high BP, sleep problems, weakness of immune system, imbalances in blood sugar levels etc. Thinking: Deep hard thinking, the type required when we write a paprer or read a complicated news story, has been tremendiously compromised . Multitasking either prevents you to do that or wonderfully allows us to avoid it. Hearing: Broadbents theory of selective attention, is based on his dichotic listening experiments that required his subjects to shadow speech messages in one ear while ignoring the messages in the other ear. Broadbent concluded that little if any content from the non attended ear is remembered. From these observations Broadbent proposed that there is limited porcessing channel that information is filtered through from a sensory porcessing stage on its way to a short-term memory store or buffer. From here information may be processed further before being transmitted into a long-term memory store. When this channel becomes over loaded, such as in dichotic listening experiments, some of the information is filtered out while other information is selected for further processing.The filtering mechanism selects inputs based on different physical cues from the stimulus input, such as location in space, and/or frequency. Vocal music can be distracting while instrumental music can aid in learning as it helps funnel out distractions in few people. Memory: Various experiments are conducted where participants are asked to learn a list of words presented visually while listening for the occurrence of certain digit strings presented through the adiutory channel. They are then tested for memory of the word list. Different variations have been investigated including different modalities, the same modalities, task difficulty, the effects of practice, the effects of eother primary or secondary task on performance, and testing during encoding and reterival. Almost without exception performance on one or both tasks suffers a decrement as a direct result of having to perform the two tasks simultaneously. Beeps in study disrupted declerative memory (eg. When we recall what we did last weekend).For tasks performed with distractions hippocampus of the barin was not involved (necessay for processing, storing and recalling information. But infact the straitum was involved. Straitum is a part of brain system that underlies our ability to mearn new skills. Multitasking makes it more likely to rely on striatum to learn. Thus multitasking changes the way people think. Vision: In an investigation performed by Australian College of Road Saftey interaction between visual impairment and multitasking was performed. It revealed that multitasking (like talking on the phone or using in-vehicle navigational devices) had a significant detrimental impact upon driving performances. Multi-tasking further exacerbated the effects of visual impairment, where the visual dual task had a greater detrimental effect on driving performance than the auditory dual task (p Motor activity: An experiment was performed to find out the effects of multitasking on muscle activity . Muscles of the upper extremity were examined.The thesis inspected concurrent grip and shoulder extensions with additional and simultaneous demands of task precision and mental processing. It concluded that incerased mental loads, when combined with physical work, have the potential to interfere with task performance and likely elicit elevated levels of muscle activity. Some research shows the relationship between stimulation and performance forms a bellcurve: a little stimulationwhether its coffee or a blaring soundtrackcan boostperformance, but too much is stressful and causes a fall-off.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The First Generation Of Computers :: essays research papers

The First Generation of Computers The first generation of computers, beginning around the end of World War 2, and continuing until around the year 1957, included computers that used vacuum tubes, drum memories, and programming in machine code. Computers at that time where mammoth machines that did not have the power our present day desktop microcomputers. In 1950, the first real-time, interactive computer was completed by a design team at MIT. The "Whirlwind Computer," as it was called, was a revamped U.S. Navy project for developing an aircraft simulator. The Whirlwind used a cathode ray tube and a light gun to provide interactively. The Whirlwind was linked to a series of radars and could identify unfriendly aircraft and direct interceptor fighters to their projected locations. It was to be the prototype for a network of computers and radar sites (SAGE) acting as an important element of U.S. air defense for a quarter-century after 1958. In 1951, the first commercially-available computer was delivered to the Bureau of the Census by the Eckert Mauchly Computer Corporation. The UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was the first computer which was not a one-of-a- kind laboratory instrument. The UNIVAC became a household word in 1952 when it was used on a televised newscast to project the winner of the Eisenhower- Stevenson presidential race with stunning accuracy. That same year Maurice V. Wilkes (developer of EDSAC) laid the foundation for the concepts of microprogramming, which was to become the guide for computer design and construction. In 1954, the first general-purpose computer to be completely transistorized was built at Bell Laboratories. TRADIC (Transistorized Airborne

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Society with Soul

A Society with Soul â€Å"As the soil, however rich it may be, cannot be productive without cultivation, so the mind without culture can never produce good fruit. † This quote by Seneca, a Roman philosopher, says that nothing good can ever come out of the absence of culture. Throughout history, many have argued that a society stripped of its culture is a society stripped of its soul. In the novel Things Fall Apart, the Ibo people are completely taken of their culture by the white colonialists.Despite a growing pattern of submission to new culture within the tribe, the people never truly lost their soul. The Ibo tribe was invaded by outsiders, their culture threatened with accusations on their way of life, worship, and customs, practically being forced into submission. The Ibo people may have been entirely stripped of their culture, but definitely not of their soul. Due to the colonialists attempting to assimilate the Ibo people, the tribe lost their culture but not the essence of who they are, allowing them to triumph against all odds.The white people pushed to assimilate the Africans, especially in their religion, ultimately tearing families apart and disconnecting the tribe. Obierika even says, â€Å"The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on things that held us together and we have fallen apart,† (Achebe 152). As the British colonized the Ibo tribes in Africa, they brought with them their new religion of Christianity.At first these new beliefs were not accepted by the Ibo people, but quickly became a major threat to their old way of life. The appeal of wealth and the flow of money into their village from British traders, in combination with support for the colonialists’ new government and judicial system, eventually attracted many Ibos to convert to Chri stianity. Ibo society was torn in half, with some being lured in by the British, and others staying faithful to traditional Ibo customs.In addition, by the white missionaries seeking to convert children into their religion, there was no one to carry on the tribe’s traditions, resulting in the falling apart of the tribal system. The attempts of the colonialists to assimilate the Africans in religion caused families and the tribe to be divided. Despite these challenges, the tribe did not lose the essence of who they are and stayed true to a lot of the beliefs of their culture. The Ibo people were stripped of their culture by the colonialists, but they never lost their soul.Amidst the invasion of the white people, the Africans still found ways to maintain their beliefs and the essence of who they were. When Okoli killed the sacred python, he clearly went against traditional Ibo customs, but at the same time, he inadvertently reinforced Ibo customs. The Ibo people always look bac k to their culture for guidance and believe in it regardless of outside threats. Because it is all they have ever known, the tribe maintains their peaceful ways by deciding not to drive the Christians out with acts of violence, but rather, by ostracizing them.Soon afterwards, Okoli dies of an illness, which reaffirms the tribe’s trust in their gods. â€Å"His death showed that the gods were still able to fight their own battles,† (Achebe 141) and would rightfully punish those who went against them. It made the tribe realize that the gods were still with them, causing them to repeal the new policy of ostracism towards the converts. Furthermore, n the end, the colonialists may have ultimately drove Okonkwo to kill himself, forcing him to go against his culture, but in doing so, Okonkwo also reminded the tribe of their culture.In taking his own life, he reasserted Ibo beliefs, one of the tribesman even saying, â€Å"It is against our custom,† (Achebe 178) when aske d by the District Commissioner why the tribe could not take Okonkwo down from the tree. The tribesman went on to say, â€Å"It is an abomination for a man to take his own life,† (Achebe 78). In spite of threats to their way of life and a growing disconnection of their tribe, the Ibos remained true to their culture no matter what. In conclusion, the Ibo people never lost what made them who they were despite challenges presented by the British colonialists.The white people’s attempt to assimilate Africans to the Christian faith resulted in the tearing apart of families, the disconnection of the tribe, and subsequently, the loss of the entire Ibo culture. Notwithstanding, the Ibo people did not lose their soul, or the essence of who they are. Regardless of accusations on their way of life and mounted submission to new culture, the Ibo people were undeterred by the threat of invaders. The Ibo tribe was a society entirely stripped of their culture that made it out on the ot her side not stripped of their soul.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

200+ Writing Prompts To Help You Think Outside The Box

200+ Writing Prompts To Help You Think Outside The Box Whether youve never heard of writing prompts or youre a huge fan of them  like I am, youre going to love this post. If youre not familiar, they are basically writing ideas to spark your imagination while writing. Who doesnt love getting new ideas (especially when youre out of them)? Read on for fresh writing prompts to give you new ideas for your own writing. How To Think Outside The Box With 200 Plus Writing Prompts via @devinberglundWhy You Should Use Writing Prompts You know those days when you write something and then you delete it all to try writing it again... And once you've written something, it still doesn't sound exactly how you want it to so you scratch the whole thing. This is the kind of situation when  you should try out some writing prompts. They are meant to get you thinking about your project  from another perspective. Writers who don't struggle to find writing ideas would also benefit from using these. You see, it gets you thinking in a different way. And thinking outside of the box will help you produce more creative ideas  to give your content a unique perspective. Sick of struggling for writing ideas? Get your 200+ writing prompts here.The Different Kinds Of Writing Prompts Writing prompts are popular in the journaling and creative writing worlds, which opens the door to many different kinds of prompts. But in this post, you'll learn about  three writing prompts that will help you in the content marketing world:  You've got fill in the blank prompts,   question prompts, and prompts that tell you to look somewhere for your ideas. This isn't to say that there aren't more out there that will help you, but these are the ones you'll  focus on throughout this post. Recommended Reading:  How To Write Amazing Posts With This Blog Writing Checklist Here are  a few examples of some writing prompts: Fill In The Blank Prompts {#}  Ways To  {Overcome Challenge} Question Prompts What is your content core? Prompts That Direct You To Look Elsewhere For Your Ideas Go to where your audience is. What questions are they asking? Writing Prompts To Get You Writing Here  are several examples for each  kind of writing prompt  to  help you come up with some awesome content: Fill In The Blank Prompts: A list of ways that your product will help you with _____. Wish I'd known ____ before ____. What ____ means for {company or industry}. The best things I learned at ______. ______: I Learned The Tough Way. What happened on this day_____ {pick a number} years ago. 100 ____ that will ____ you be more awesome at what you do. We've been doing this wrong... Ask ____ {pick a number} people the same question and compile it into a collaborative blog post. Why this ____ {pick a speech video} speech teaches you all you need to know about ____. ____ {pick a number} _____ {type of videos} Videos That Will Help You ______. The ultimate guide to ______. Do _____ {number} Things By _____ {age}. What ____ {name of someone or something} Never Told You The Truth About ____. Why I'm going to quit ______. What are the goals for your next five  years? ____ {number} Real People Share Their Biggest _______ {topic} Problems ____ {number} Ways To Track _____ {topic} Your _____ Without Going Crazy ____ {number} Blog Posts To Read When You're _____. This Trick Helped Me ____. What You Need To Know If You're _____. How I Went From ______ To _____. ____  {number} Empowering Ways To Track ____ Without ____. The Truth About ____. ___ {number} Crucial Things To Do If _____. ___ {number} ___ That Will ___. ___ {number} ___ Share The Top Tips They Give To _____. What Is ___, Anyway? Here's What Makes The Real Difference Between ____ And ____. Is Giving Up ____ A Good Way To ____. Here's Everything You Need To Know About ___. Why ___ Doesn't Want You To ___. Is This The Reason You Can't ___. The Exact Formula For ___. ___ {number} Ways ___ Can Help You ___. Why ___ Should Just Relax About ___. ___ {number} Ways To ___ Without ___. ___ {number} ___ {topic} Hacks To Add To Your Bag Of Tricks Real-Life Solutions For _____. Low-Cost Tools To Help With ____. Conquer Your Fear Of ___ With ___. ___ {number} ___ Ideas To Give A Try Must-Have ____ Tips To Have For ___ ___ {year} ____ Trends ___ {number} DIY ___ Ideas ___ {number} ___ Budget Busters Easy ___ Tips For Your ___. Easy-To-Make ___ That Will ___. Must-Have-Tools For A ___. ___ On A Budget: Tips To ___. 1-Hour Tips For ___ That Will ___. ___ {Topic}: Easy Ways To ___. Spruce Up Your ___ With These Awesome ____ Tips. ___ {number} Things ___ (certain title for a person) Do. ___ {number} Rules That Are Stupid. ___ {number} Warning Signs That ___. The Heartbreaking Reality Of ___. ___ {number} Things That ___ {certain people title} Think About ___. Question Prompts: What are some things people in your field want to know? What are positive conversations about things in your field being held? What are negative conversations that are being held in your field? What trends are big in your niche or field right now? What plugins and apps help you do your job better? What is your core content? If you could interview a person in your niche, who would it be? How'd you get started in your career? If you could interview a person in your niche, who would it be? How'd you get started in your career? What didn't work for you? What questions do you get? Compile it into your FAQ. What makes my company different? What is something that you enjoy every day? What adventures do you experience in your career? What are your top distractions and how do you deal with them? What's your motto for your company or blog? What's a current frustration of yours? What advice has stuck with you for a long time? Who gave you that advice? What's a day in the life of ___ {you} look like? Who is the one person that you definitely couldn't live without? What books would you recommend your followers to read? What would you tell someone who wants to go into your career? What is the toughest thing about being a ___ {your job title}? How To Make Your Products Look Appealing? Prompts That Direct You To Look Elsewhere For Your Ideas: What are your competitors writing about? Take a look at three of yours and combine them together and create something amazing-er than they make. Look for keywords and let them be your guide. What are your customers' pain points and how can your product help them? Go find out what they are saying their problems are. Take a look at your top content in your analytics and write more like those or even revamp your old posts. Is there a change I could make in the next 24 hours... Look through all the comments on your blog and answer comments in blog post form. At the  end of the  year, list your posts by category and publish that as a post. Search out your brand persona on social media and find out what questions they are asking. Use them as blog prompts. Search on Twitter search and on Google Trends. Why customers are going elsewhere (put a spin on it to make it positive.) Social media tips for your industry. Take an unrelated topic and somehow tie it into your niche. Profile readers or customers. QA interview with your team. Write your own manifesto. Write a parody post. Read forums to find writing prompt ideas. Write a truth vs lie post. What The Worse Customers Can Teach You About... Get the rest of your writing prompts in your free kit now! Recommended Reading: How To Write A Blog Post: Your 5-Point Checklist To Rock A Perfect Blog Post Want To Create Your Own Writing Prompts? Sometimes it can be tough to take other people's suggestions  and customize them so that your ideas can shine through brightly. So I am going to show you how to create your own writing prompts because sometimes all you need is to find the ideas yourself. If you follow these steps, I promise you'll find a handful of new creative ideas. Here are the secrets to coming up with new #writing ideas! #amwritingHere's How You Can Create Your Own Writing Prompts There are plenty of different places to look for writing prompts.  One of my personal favorite places to look for prompts is in magazines. (Especially in health magazines.) Cosmopolitan has been cited  as a great headline source by headline masters. Why not use headlines to spark your writing ideas? They make great prompt ideas. Any kind of magazine or magazine's website works, too. Look in a variety of magazines (stretch to different genres as well): health, beauty, sports, cars, and home living magazines. When you look outside your niche and into other niches, you might find something new that you wouldn't have seen somewhere else. And that  will strengthen your writing. Honestly, you'll learn a lot from those headline writers. They are good at what they  do. Picasso was known for saying: Good artists copy, great artists steal. So mirror that in your own life as a writer. Don't just copy the ideas. Steal them and make them your own. Make sure you don't get distracted if you're creating your own prompts. It can be so easy to spend the rest of the day on the internet looking at nothing- in the name of research. You know where that bunny hole leads. And it doesn't lead to productivity or getting your projects done. It can be so easy to waste time on the internet in the name of research.Recommended Reading: 9 Ways To Reclaim Your Breakthrough Content Ideas From Old Posts Here are your  writing prompt creation steps: 1. First off, make a huge list of topics and ideas that you'd like to write about.  Keep those handy by downloading the spreadsheet that accompanies this post, or in a tool like Evernote. 2. Go to a magazine website or look at an actual magazine. 3. Find headlines that catch your attention. 4. When you find a headline that sounds catchy,  look at it. What makes it catchy? I am going to choose this headline as my writing prompt idea example: "12 Ways To Take Your Pushups To The Next Level" Now, if you remember from our other post, "Here Are The 101 Catchy Blog Title Formulas That Will Boost Traffic By 438%", we talked about blog post headlines that have numbers in them do better than ones without. Now, there are plenty of ways that we could use the idea above to inspire our own writing. My example from above:  12 Ways To Take Your Pushups To The Next Level This will sorta turn into a fun "fill in the blank" game with topics that interest you. Recommended Reading: 10 Easy Blog Post Ideas To Fill Your Editorial Calendar 5. Rework the headline you chose into your own blog prompt. Look at your list of topics and things that you want to write about.  All you have to do now is take out some words and insert some of your own.  Magazines are really good at writing their headlines, so start practicing and let them help you come up with your own writing prompts. Here are a few variations: __ {number} Ways To Take Your ____ To The Next Level __ {number} Steps To ___ Your ____ ____ ____ And what do they look like when you add your own style and flair to them? 23 Ways To Take Your Customer Service  To The Next Level 17 Steps To Write Your Best Content Ever After you've done that, it's time to figure out what the steps are that are going to help your readers solve their problems. 6. Create a huge database of ideas like this.  After creating a ton of exciting prompt ideas, write them all down in a writing prompt library. You can store your writing ideas in a notebook, in an  Evernote note or even in a  Google Docs  or Sheets  doc. (I've created an Excel document for you to use and that is included in the bundle that complements this post.) It will look something like this: How Should You  Use The Writing Prompt Library? All you have to do is fill in these questions: List your prompts. In what blog category will the blog prompts fit? Do you have a keyword for it yet? When do you want to publish the post? If you find something else that you'd like to track in your Writing Prompt Library, add to the columns at the top and then track away. Now You're Ready To Rock And Write... How awesome is it to have all these ideas? And don't you just love that "magazine headline" secret to finding new writing prompts? I know it can be hard to come up with ideas of your own. So if you are still struggling to find things to write about or are still trying to get unstuck, make sure you download the writing prompts tear sheet to get 200+ writing prompts and your writing prompt library.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Powerful Ways to Open a Class Presentation

Powerful Ways to Open a Class Presentation Powerful Ways to Open a Class Presentation Many academic institutions require students to submit a slideshow presentation and discuss a topic in front of a group of people. The purpose is to help students improve verbal communication skills while providing information to several people in a single setting. While grading this project depends solely on the professor, a student who is able to deliver an informative and engaging presentation to the class has a better chance of getting a good grade. First impressions are key; the speaker sets the tone of the discussion. Audience members decide in the first minute whether they want to listen. To attract and maintain listener interest, here are powerful ways to open an introduction: Tell a joke. Start things on a positive note by making a non-offensive joke and engage your listeners. Propose a problem. To get attention, start by stating a current problem that most people can relate to and tie it into your discussion. Share a quotation. Choose a quotation from an important figure that relates to your topic. Recite it in a clear, modulated tone. Ask for a response. Start a discussion by asking a question like â€Å"How often do you use the Internet?† This question provides your audience the opportunity to participate before you continue the presentation. This also encourages them to later ask questions. Catch listeners off-guard. A radical statement or command can surprise people. For instance, if you are presenting a topic about conformity, first ask everyone to stand up. Then, ask why they did so. This opens the topic in an unexpected and unique manner. Tell a story. A personal anecdote or a tale can be used to set the tone of a presentation. Keep it brief and omit unnecessary details. This, ideally, helps listeners connect to you and your topic as they listen. Use a visual aid. When you begin your slideshow, allow your audience to comment on a photo or a video in the presentation to establish participation from the beginning. Choose the technique that works best for you when introducing your topic of discussion to the class. A slideshow presentation relies on both the careful construction of the conversation and its delivery. Capturing your listeners’ attention makes the presentation more likely to be active and engaging. No matter how interesting your topic, you may lose audience interest if you don’t make an effort to captivate them at the start. in Ontario provides a variety of services for all your academic needs. We are a team of professional writers who can help with presentations, including PowerPoint. Your slideshow will meet academic standards and save you time to practice your delivery.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Zolpidem essays

Zolpidem essays While sleeping disorders are common yet easily deterred, ambien proves as an FDA approved short-term, prescription only drug that treats such sleeping disorders as insomnia. As a short-term medication, ambien should be limited to a usage of one pill directly before bed for a limited time of seven to ten days. The side effects of ambien encompass those side effects common to most sleep-aid medicines. These common side effects include: headache, nausea, weakness, dry mouth, constipation, allergy, sinuses, lightheadedness, dizziness, day-time drowsiness, indigestion, diarrhea, and vomiting. If side effects continue or worsen, discontinue the use of ambien and consult a doctor immediately. More severe, yet rare side effects may also occur while taking ambien. These rare side effects may include abnormal dreams, amnesia, back pain, depression, fever, difficult breathing, and lack of bladder control, upper respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, hives, and impotence. If any of these severe side effects occur, immediately stop taking ambien and contact a doctor immediately. Only take ambien if prescribed by a doctor. Do not take ambien for more than the prescribed amount of time (no more than one to two weeks). As a fairly new drug on the market and the possibility of developing a dependency on such a drug as ambien, this medication should not be taken more than seven to ten days and those with a history of medicinal abuse should be supervised closely. Ambien is a drug whose purpose is to increase a patients sleeping time. If ambien is needed for more than one to two weeks you may have underlying psychological or physical problems. In turn contact your doctor if you find you are having trouble sleeping after taking ambien for the prescribed amount of time. ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Advanced Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advanced Accounting - Essay Example unction is to adjust the account balances of each individual company to give an amount that would be used if the entities were one company (Stice and Stice, 2013). Non-controlling interest refers to that part of a subsidiary that the parent company does not own. The non-controlling interest should be considered during consolidation as they form part of the capital for the subsidiary. The non-controlling interest may appear as beginning of period non-controlling interest or end of period non-controlling interest (Wahlen, Baginski, Bradshaw, 2014). To determine the beginning of period non-controlling balance, one uses the percentage of the non-controlling interest to determine their shareholding in the company. That percentage is used to determine the non-controlling interest’s share of ordinary share capital, preference share capital and retained earnings. To arrive at the balance, credit the non-controlling interest account with their share of ordinary share capital and preference share capital. Debit the capital account with the same amount. Then credit the non-controlling interest account with the non-controlling interest’s sha re of retained earnings. Debit the profit and loss account with the same amount. That will give the non-controlling interest balance at the beginning of the period. The determination of the end of period non-controlling interest balance involves more than what the beginning balance requires. It involves making adjustments on various items. The account balance changes courtesy of changes in retained earnings (Wahlen, Baginski, Bradshaw, 2014). The items that would cause the changes include unrealized profits, unrealized profits on sale of property, plant and equipment and revaluation gains. To reflect these changes, debit the non-controlling interest account by the minority interest’s share of the unrealized profits and credit the closing inventory account with the same amount. For unrealized profits on the sale of property, plant

Friday, October 18, 2019

Coursework Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Coursework - Case Study Example As already mentioned, the business will serve organizations interested in optimizing their web rankings. It services will cover an extensive range of activities including on-site and off-site SEO services. During the first year of operations, focus will be on marketing aimed at building a strong client base. Other than conventional market practices, quality services to existing clients will form the basis of our services marketing initiative. The business will then expand to attain regional status and eventually global over time. During the first three years, the business will direct lots of resources towards marketing. A large portion of the content will be done in-house during these 3 years. This will however not be a problem considering that the stakeholders are experts in the field of the business. It major source of revenues will be offering of SEO services to website owners. However, it will also earn some revenues through advertisements and affiliate programs. The will officially be launched on the 16th of august with an initial capital investment of  £100,000. The projected sales revenue for the first 3 years will be  £10000,  £30000 EUR, and  £50000 in year 1, year 2 and year 3 respectively. These will however be discussed in detail in the financial section of the business plan. As already mentioned, XYZ Solutions will provide website owners with high impact e-marketing strategies. These services are meant to help organizations increase their web presence and reach out to more of their target audience. XYZ Solutions does not just attract traffic to the respective websites but rather attracts the right traffic with a potential of turning them into sales where sales is the prime objective of a site. The services are purely aimed at having client’s websites ranked high on search engines based on specific keywords. The organization applies both conventional and technical skills to

Emergence of China as a Global Trading Power Essay

Emergence of China as a Global Trading Power - Essay Example When the latest economical growth and development of new emerging countries is discussed, two countries' names emerge from nowhere. These are India and China. The growth in the trade sector of these two countries is surprisingly enormous. If this is partly due to development in the area of science and technology, there is much also that goes for a number of reforms, changes, and redefinition of trade policies and international trade relations. Moreover, there is much on the credit of Chinese distinctive cultural and management practices which makes this country a unique case study (Menkhoff and Gerke, pp. 87-89, 2002). The present paper looks at the issue of the development of China in the business world of the recent times; China is "likely to demand a strong voice in the WTO" due to its major role in present day trade operations (Kennedy, p. 75, 2002). The paper, hence, undertakes extensive research to investigate the causes for the development of China in trade regimes. The paper explicitly brings forward the number of theories of trade which have anyhow any link to the present growth of China in worldwide trade. At the end of the paper, the study analyses the data qualitatively and makes suggestions and recommendation in the light of the causes of trade growth of China. These suggestions and recommendations are meant to contribute to the existing literature of trade theories and development; as well as, they focus to contribute to a broader understanding of Chinese growth. They are also meant to focus those countries which may need to follow China for the economical growth. Trade Theories Reviewed A number of theorists have worked out different theories of trade to cope up with the challenges of trade. These theorists have asked such questions as can help trade to be more profitable, more expedited, more powerful, and so on. This section reviews major trade theories in order to bear a groundwork which is, according to the viewpoint of the present writer, necessary to comprehend China's growth in the recent scenario of trade. Classical economist seem to have defended the Mercantilists' view that the export of a country should be put to as much increase as possible; on the other hand, the imports of that country should be put to as much decrease as possible. According to Grimwade (2000), it was obviously possible only for one country because "one country's export surplus is another country's import deficit" which makes import and export both a requisite function of across-border trade (p. 30). Another objection was made to Mercantilism was that dumping large reserves of gold does not make a country wealthier because gold does not provide the citizens for "goods which could satisfy their wants" (p. 30). Thus, this trend met a death due to its zero-sum philosophy of trade. Next is the comparative advantage. According to this theory (by Smith), differences in costs as the bases for business are identified. To this Grimwade

Stylistic arangements of experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stylistic arangements of experience - Essay Example As the plot progresses the reader experiences a sort of tension and a feeling of horror because of the peculiar narrative style of the writer. Unlike the science fiction works of his contemporaries, Lovecraft narrates the experiences of his characters with a staunch sense of realism, both physical and psychological. The reader is made to feel the freezing coldness of the Antarctic region in his/her veins. In the same way, the famous painting ‘Isle of the Dead’ by Swiss artist Arnold Bocklin has evoked similar responses in the viewer that Mark Robson drew the inspiration for his film from this artistic work. Style is a distinctive manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed. The style and technique by which Lovecraft, Arnold Bocklin, and Mark Robson produced their respective novella, painting, and film exemplify their unique manner and craftsmanship which paved new ways for creativity. The novel is considered as the most ubiquitous of all forms o f literature. Robert Silverberg states, â€Å"The novella is one of the richest and most rewarding of literary allows for more extended development of theme and character than does the short story, without making the elaborate structural demands of the full-length book. Thus it provides an intense, detailed exploration of its subject, providing to some degree both the concentrated focus of the short story and the broad scope of the novel.† (Robert Silverberg 2000). â€Å"At the Mountains of Madness† is a novella of terror based on geological expedition to unearth an unprecedented amount of scientific material; especially in the pre-Cambrian strata. The exploration is aimed at unraveling the primal life history in the realms of ice covered Antarctic continent. The expedition from Miskatonic University through the barren, wind-swept interior of the Antarctic plateau remains lifeless. On the contrary, they encounter strange fossils of unheard creatures, carved stones, and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

To what extent was the air campaign in Operation Iraqi Freedom a Essay

To what extent was the air campaign in Operation Iraqi Freedom a military success but a public relations failure - Essay Example It is proposed that the fall of the Soviet Union and the changing world order in the aftermath of the Cold War triggered a change in the international political framework, thereby altering the traditional theory of international relations as evidenced by Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Schoenbaum, 2006, p.2). This further marked a turning point in US foreign policy objectives in the Middle East, which was cemented by the events of September 11. Moreover, Operation Desert Storm in particular fuelled a tactical change in the US military strategy with a move towards the Rapid Dominance and Shock and Awe tactics as applied in Operation Iraqi Freedom (Martel, 2007, p.248). However, whilst Ullman and Wade (1996) suggest that the Rapid Dominance and shock and awe doctrine was necessary to ensure strategic military success in conflict, the current instability in Iraq has fuelled debate as to the long term implications of the shock and awe doctrine, with many labelling Operation Iraqi Freedom a public relations failure (Griese, 2004, p.53). It is submitted that Operation Iraqi Freedom is a prime example of this as a foreseeable end to the current US war in Iraq remains precarious, leading to controversial justifications of necessary humanitarian interventions and post conflict peace building. Therefore, in considering the inherent conflict between the military success of the air campaign and the ensuing controversy over the US’ continued presence in Iraq, I shall firstly consider the shock and awe doctrine applied in Operation Iraqi Freedom in Section 2, followed by a contextual discussion of Operation Iraqi Freedom in impacting US public relations within the international political framework (Heath et al, 2009, p.89). In undertaking this discussion it is submitted at the outset that whilst in the short term the

Final-4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final-4 - Essay Example In relation to this particular historical event, John O’Sullivan was the foremost critique to coin the term â€Å"Manifest Destiny†. The terms signified that American society was ordained to expand continuously embracing the territories all around the continent. It was in this context that in order to justify the annexation of Texas, democrats began using the term in political debates. Considering these historic principles pertaining in the traditional democratic political system of America during the 1800s, it can be argued that the annexation had been quite significant in obtaining the aim of â€Å"Manifest Destiny† based on the then social segregation and malpractices which certainly weakened the civil society of Texas and all the Southwestern territories of the continent. This gave an opportunity to the United States to acquire other bordering territories including California. Furthermore, this rewarded the opportunity to forcefully include Mexico within the American territory, as through the annexation, the United States could also get involved with the ongoing border dispute between Texas and Mexico, which was considered to be a conservative state and thereby restricted itself to be freely annexed by a foreign territory2. Mount Holy Lake, No Date. â€Å"John L. OSullivan on Manifest Destiny, 1839†. â€Å"Excerpted from "The Great Nation of Futurity," The United States Democratic Review, Volume 6, Issue 23, pp. 426-430. The complete article can be found in The Making of America Series at Cornell University†.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Stylistic arangements of experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stylistic arangements of experience - Essay Example As the plot progresses the reader experiences a sort of tension and a feeling of horror because of the peculiar narrative style of the writer. Unlike the science fiction works of his contemporaries, Lovecraft narrates the experiences of his characters with a staunch sense of realism, both physical and psychological. The reader is made to feel the freezing coldness of the Antarctic region in his/her veins. In the same way, the famous painting ‘Isle of the Dead’ by Swiss artist Arnold Bocklin has evoked similar responses in the viewer that Mark Robson drew the inspiration for his film from this artistic work. Style is a distinctive manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed. The style and technique by which Lovecraft, Arnold Bocklin, and Mark Robson produced their respective novella, painting, and film exemplify their unique manner and craftsmanship which paved new ways for creativity. The novel is considered as the most ubiquitous of all forms o f literature. Robert Silverberg states, â€Å"The novella is one of the richest and most rewarding of literary allows for more extended development of theme and character than does the short story, without making the elaborate structural demands of the full-length book. Thus it provides an intense, detailed exploration of its subject, providing to some degree both the concentrated focus of the short story and the broad scope of the novel.† (Robert Silverberg 2000). â€Å"At the Mountains of Madness† is a novella of terror based on geological expedition to unearth an unprecedented amount of scientific material; especially in the pre-Cambrian strata. The exploration is aimed at unraveling the primal life history in the realms of ice covered Antarctic continent. The expedition from Miskatonic University through the barren, wind-swept interior of the Antarctic plateau remains lifeless. On the contrary, they encounter strange fossils of unheard creatures, carved stones, and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Final-4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final-4 - Essay Example In relation to this particular historical event, John O’Sullivan was the foremost critique to coin the term â€Å"Manifest Destiny†. The terms signified that American society was ordained to expand continuously embracing the territories all around the continent. It was in this context that in order to justify the annexation of Texas, democrats began using the term in political debates. Considering these historic principles pertaining in the traditional democratic political system of America during the 1800s, it can be argued that the annexation had been quite significant in obtaining the aim of â€Å"Manifest Destiny† based on the then social segregation and malpractices which certainly weakened the civil society of Texas and all the Southwestern territories of the continent. This gave an opportunity to the United States to acquire other bordering territories including California. Furthermore, this rewarded the opportunity to forcefully include Mexico within the American territory, as through the annexation, the United States could also get involved with the ongoing border dispute between Texas and Mexico, which was considered to be a conservative state and thereby restricted itself to be freely annexed by a foreign territory2. Mount Holy Lake, No Date. â€Å"John L. OSullivan on Manifest Destiny, 1839†. â€Å"Excerpted from "The Great Nation of Futurity," The United States Democratic Review, Volume 6, Issue 23, pp. 426-430. The complete article can be found in The Making of America Series at Cornell University†.

The Chrysalids Theme Essay Example for Free

The Chrysalids Theme Essay â€Å"The Chrysalids† can actually be inferred from the book’s title. â€Å"Without change, there would simply be no progress or improvement†, is the main theme of this novel. The scientific definition of chrysalids is an insect in the stage of development between a larva and an adult insect. Chrysalids can also mean a preparatory or transitional state. In â€Å"The Chrysalids†, three main stages of civilizations can be identified. They are the Fringes civilizaztion, the Waknuk civilization, and the Sealand civilization. The Fringes civilization and the Waknuk civilization are both in a stage of change. The Sealand civilization is the end result of the progress of change, a well technological civilization. The Fringes people have the poorest civilization in the novel. They live in tents and shelters and often have to steal for food. On the other hand, the Waknuk people are a bit well off. They have steady lives and farm for a living. However, the Fringes people have a totally different view from the Waknuk people. The Fringes people think life is change and the reason that God sent Tribulation is because of the little change that is happening. The Waknuk people resist change. They think that if they have kept everything perfect, or in another word have kept everything the same, God would not have sent Tribulation. This belief made the Waknuk people have no progress in civilization. No newer breeds of animals are allowed and no new crops should be planted. Anything different from the original species would be cast away and thrown to the Fringes. The Fringes people had wanted change but sadly were repressed from doing so by the concepts of the Waknuk people. Similarily, as a result both the Fringes civilization and the Waknuk civilization made no further progress in their current civilizations. Unlike these two civilizations, the Sealand civilization has already made an amazing progress since the Tribulation. Large cities were built, and transportation devices like cars and helicopters were available. Most importantly, people are accepted as who they are. People who have telepathic powers like David, Rosalind, and Petra were considered as highly gifted people. Life is change, according to one of the quotes that the Spider man said. â€Å"He sent along Tribulation to bust it up and remind’em that life is change. † Change is what brings about improvement of the living just like what the Sealand lady said. â€Å"The essential quality of life is living: the essential quality of living is change; change is evolution: and we are part of it. †

Monday, October 14, 2019

Theories of Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment

Theories of Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment Job satisfaction Job satisfaction can be described as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the individual’s job or job experiences (Locke, 1976). Job satisfaction is a topic of wide interest to both people who work in organisations and people who study them. It is a most frequently studied variable in organisational behaviour research, and also a central variable in both research and theory of organisational phenomena ranging from job design to supervision (Spector, 1997). Traditionally, job satisfaction focuses on the feelings that an individual has about their job. However, what makes a job satisfying or dissatisfying does not depend only on the nature of the job, but also on the expectations that individuals have of what their job should provide (Lu, While Barriball, 2004). Organisational Commitment Organisational commitment has been defined as the degree to which employees believe in and accept organisational goals and desire to remain with the organisation (Mathis Jackson, 2000). Similarly, Wright and Noe (1996) defined organisational commitment as â€Å"the degree or extent to which employees strongly identify with the organisation and feel attached to it.† Although there are a variety of different definitions for organisational commitment, they all share the view that organisational commitment is a psychological state that characterises an employee’s relationship with their organisation and has implications for that employee continuing membership in the organisation (Meyer Allen, 1997). However, what differs among these definitions is the nature of the psychological state being described (Mowday, Steers Porter, 1979; Wiener, 1982). In order to acknowledge the different psychological states,Meyer and Allen (1991)developed a three-component model of organisati onal commitment. The first component is affective commitment, which refers to an employee’s â€Å"emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in an organisation† (Meyer Allen, 1991). The second component is continuance commitment, which involves the employee’s perceptions of the costs associated with leaving an organisation. The last component is normative commitment, which refers to an employee’s feelings of obligation to stay in the organisation. Organisational Citizenship Behaviours Organisational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) are voluntary employee behaviours that are not formally rewarded by the organisation, but contribute to either the success of the whole organisation or to the well-being of other employees (Borman Motowidlo, 1993). Examples of OCBs include: helping colleagues with their work, helping new members of staff, talking positively about the organisation to outsiders, and voluntarily going to functions that help the organisation’s image (Lee Allen, 2002). Research on OCB’s have shown that they are important as they improve both individual level (Rotundo Sackett, 2002) and organisational-level performance outcomes (Podsakoff, Whiting, Podsakoff, Blume, 2009). It has been suggested that there are five different categories of OCBs including altruism, courtesy conscientiousness, civic virtue, and sportsmanship (Organ, 1988). Furthermore, OCBs have been divided into two different types. Williams and Anderson (1991) divided up the dime nsions based on who the behaviours were directed towards. If the behaviour was directed towards other individuals in the workplace, there were classified as Organisational citizenship behaviour–individuals (OCBI), while behaviours directed at the organisation as a whole were classified as organisational citizenship behaviour-organisational (OCBO). For example, categories of OCBs such as altruism and courtesy are actions aimed at other employees and would therefore be classified as OCBIs.Whereas, conscientiousness, civic virtue, and sportsmanship are behaviours intended for the benefit of the organisation and would therefore be considered as OCBOs. Core Self-Evaluation sub-traits and their relation to organisational citizenship behaviour, job satisfaction and organisational commitment. There are a lack of studies linking the core self-evaluations factor to organisational citizenship behaviours. However, three of the core traits: self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability, are the most widely studied personality traits in personality and applied psychology (Judge Bono, 2001). In total, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability have been the subject of more than 50,000 studies (Judge et al, 2002). Self-esteem is used to describe an individual’s overall self-evaluation of their competencies (Rosenberg, 1965). Simply put, self-esteem is a personal evaluation which reflects what people think of themselves as individuals. For example, Korman (1970) states that self-esteem reflects the degree to which the individual â€Å"sees themselves as a competent, need-satisfying individual†. Therefore, an individual with high self-esteem has a â€Å"sense of personal adequacy and a sense of having achieved need satisfaction in the past† (Korman, 1966). As well as the reflecting component of self-esteem, Pelham and Swann (1989) explain that self-esteem also consists of an affective (liking/disliking) component. For example, individuals with high self-esteem like who and what they are; agreeing with statements such as â€Å"I am a person of worth, on an equal plane with others† and â€Å"I am satisfied with myself† (Rosenberg, 1965). Overall, it is the self-e valuation and descriptive conceptualisation that individuals make and maintain about themselves. Locus of control refers to an individuals’ perception of the main causes of events in life. It can be divided into two categories: internal locus of control and external locus of control. Individuals with an internal locus of control believe that they have control over the events and consequences associated with their lives, such as control over their own destinies. Therefore, they believe that the majority of their life experiences are determined by their own skills, abilities, and efforts. Whereas those with an external locus of control believe that life events are the result of circumstances outside their control. They believe that their destinies are controlled by external forces such as luck, chance, fate, or powerful others (Paulhus, 1983; Rotter, 1966). Emotional stability or neuroticism is perhaps the most enduring personality concept in psychology, as it is one of the dimensions of the widely studied five-factor model of personality. There are thousands of studies on the topic and the entire field of psychoanalysis and clinical psychology might be traced to the study of neurotic symptoms (Freud, 1910). Emotional stability represents individual differences in the tendency to experience distress (McCrae John, 1992). Typical behaviours associated with this factor include being anxious, depressed, angry, embarrassed, emotional, worried, and insecure (Barrick Mount, 1991). Generalised self-efficacy is described as an individual’s estimate of their fundamental ability to cope, perform, and be successful. This can be seen as the ability to persist and a persons ability to succeed with a task. As an example, self-efficacy directly relates to how long someone will stick to a workout regime or a diet. High and low self-efficacy determine whether or not someone will choose to take on a challenging task or write it off as impossible. Relation of Self-Esteem, Locus of Control, Neuroticism, and Generalised Self-Efficacy to Job Satisfaction. Judge et al. (1997) hypothesised that core self-evaluations would be related to job satisfaction through both direct and indirect means. Indeed, Judge et al (1998) found that the four traits, treated as a single latent construct, were significantly related to job satisfaction. This study also found that self-esteem, generalised self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism were each independently significantly correlated with job satisfaction. Therefore, suggesting both direct and indirect links with job satisfaction. Despite the vast amount of research on dispositions and job satisfaction, Judge and Bono (2001) found there were no meta-analysis of the relationship between any of the four traits and job satisfaction. The relationships of these traits to job satisfaction had been discussed in reviews of the literature with respect to self-esteem (Tharenou, 1979), locus of control (Spector, 1982), and emotional stability (Furnham Zacherl, 1986), however the size and extent of these relationships, and the variability in these relationships across studies, had not been established. Therefore, Judge and Bono (2001) conducted a meta-analysis of 169 correlations. The found that the correlations of the core traits with job satisfaction ranged from 0.24 for emotional stability to 0.45 for generalised self-efficacy. All of these correlations generalised across studies (more than 90% of the individual correlations were greater than zero). Other research has also supported these finding, for example, studies have suggested that LOC is a significant predictor of job satisfaction (Judge, Erez, Bono, Thoresen, 2003), whereby individuals with an internal LOC reported higher levels of job satisfaction (Martin, Thomas, Charles, Epitro McNamara, 2005). Furthermore, several studies have shown that direct measures of neuroticism are negatively related to job satisfaction (Furnham Zacherl, 1986; Smith, Organ, Near, 1983; Tokar Subich, 1997), indicating that individuals with high neuroticism have lower job satisfaction. Moreover, there are theoretical reasons to expect a positive relationship between the four sub-traits and job satisfaction. In the case of self-esteem, Locke, McClear and Knight (1996) posited that, A person with a high self-esteem will view a challenging job as a deserved opportunity which he can master and benefit from, whereas a person with low self-esteem is more likely to view it as an undeserved opportunity or a chance to fail. Research has in fact supported this, suggesting that individuals with high self-esteem maintain optimism in the face of failure, which makes future success and future satisfaction more likely (Dodgson Wood, 1998). Another theoretical mechanism linking these traits to job satisfaction is suggested by Kormans (1970) self-consistency theory. Kormans theory predicts that individuals with high self-esteem choose occupations consistent with their interests, which would lead to greater levels of job satisfaction. More generally, Kormans theory predicts that hi gh self-esteem individuals will engage in a broad array of behaviours and cognitions that reinforce their self-concept. Similarly, Spector (1982) suggested that individuals with an internal locus of control should be more job satisfied because they are less likely to stay in a dissatisfying job and are more likely to be successful in organisations. With respect to neuroticism, McCrae and Costa (1991) noted that neuroticism is related to lower well-being because individuals who score high on neuroticism are predisposed to experience negative affects. Negative affect, in turn, is negatively related to job satisfaction (Brief, 1998; Spector, 1997). Finally, Judge et al. (1997) argued that generalised self-efficacy should affect job satisfaction through its association with practical success on the job. Because individuals with high self-efficacy deal more effectively with difficulties and persist in the face of failure (Gist Mitchell, 1992), they are more likely to attain valued outco mes and thus derive satisfaction from their jobs. Relation of Self-Esteem, Locus of Control, Neuroticism, and Generalised Self-Efficacy to Organisational Commitment. The four sub-traits have also been studied independently with regards to their relationship with organisational commitment. In terms of self-esteem, a review of the literature by Pierce Gardner (2004) identified several studies which report a significant and positive relationship between self-esteem and organisational commitment (Gardner Pierce, 1998, 2001; Lee, 2003; Phillips Hall, 2001; Ragins Cornwell, 2000; Riordan, Weatherly, Vandenberg Self, 2001; Tang Ibrahim, 1998; Tang, Kim O’Donald, 2000; Tang, Singer Roberts, 2000; Van Dyne Pierce, 2004). Correlations range between .12 and .64. These findings suggest that employees with high levels of self-esteem are more committed to their organisations than those individuals with low self-esteem. There are also some studies relating an individual’s locus of control to organisational commitment. Coleman, Irving, and Cooper (1999) conducted a study on the relationship between locus of control and organisational commitment. The results revealed that internal locus of control was related to affective commitment, while external locus of control was associated with continuance commitment. Furthermore, a study by Igbeneghu Popool (2011) provides empirical evidence to show that locus of control has a significant inverse relationship with organisational commitment. These findings are similar to research done two decades ago in which organisational commitment was found to be positively related to internal locus of control (Luthans, Baack, Taylor, 1987). Neuroticism has been found to be significantly related to organisational commitment (Erdheim, Wang Zickar, 2006). Cui (2010) found that neuroticism was significantly related to the continuance commitment part of organisational commitment. It has been shown that neurotic individuals tend to experience more negative life events than other individuals (Magnus, Diener, Fujita, Pavot, 1993). These findings directly relate to continuance commitment, which may develop out of an employee’s fear of the costs associated with leaving their current position (Meyer Allen, 1997). This is to the extent that when negative events occur in a highly neurotic individual’s job, the individual may feel more apprehensive about facing a new work environment that could provide even harsher experiences. Therefore, they are more likely to have high levels of continuance commitment. Once again, research found that self-efficacy was a significant predictor of organisational commitment (Bogler Somech, 2004). Saleem, Saba Adnan (2012) explored self-efficacy as a predictor of organisational commitment among bank employees. Correlational and multiple regression analyses indicated that self-efficacy was significantly positively correlated organisational commitment. Wu and Short (1996), who studied the relationship between teacher empowerment and teacher job commitment and job satisfaction, found that among the six subscales that compose the teacher empowerment scale (SPES), professional growth, self-efficacy and status were significant predictors of organisational commitment. Relation of Self-Esteem, Locus of Control, Neuroticism, and Generalised Self-Efficacy to Organisational Citizenship Behaviour. The four sub-traits have also been studied separately in relation to organisational citizenship behaviour. Again, Pierce Gardner’s (2003) review found various studies showing that self-esteem was related to organisational citizenship behaviour. For example, Tang, Davis, Dolinski, Ibrahim, Sutarso Wagner (2002) examined self-esteem and organisational citizenship behaviours with samples in the United States, Taiwan, Poland, and Egypt. In both their US and non-US samples they found significant and positive relationship between self-esteem and organisational citizenship behaviour. Van Dyne and Pierce (2004) who used both supervisor and peer ratings of citizenship behaviour, reported significant relationships between self-esteem and organisational citizenship behaviours. Self-esteem has been found to have significant relationships with both dimensions of organisational citizenship behaviours: altruism and compliance (Tang Ibrahim, 1998). Chattopadhyay (1999) observed a positive and significant relationship between self-esteem and altruism. Chattopadhyay and George (2001) also observed a positive relationship between self-esteem and altruism in their study of employees in a computer manufacturer. Furthermore, studies such as Lee (2003) looked at the five dimensions of citizenship behaviour (i.e., altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, sportsmanship, and civic virtue) and found significant relationships between self-esteem and acts of good organisational citizenship. Tang, Singer, Roberts (2000) investigated the effect that public (other serving) and private (self-serving) motives on altruistic and conscientiousness acts of organisational citizenship, and found a positive relationship between public motives and self-esteem, and a negative relationship for private motives. They also report a positive relationship between self-esteem and both dimensions (altruism and conscientiousness) of citizenship behaviour. Overall, across this set of studies self-esteem correlated with organisational citizenship behaviour in the range between .23 for compliance and .83 for altruism, indicating that self-esteem has a more significant relationship with the altruistic dimension of OCBs. Two studies have found empirical support for the relationship between locus of control and citizenship performance. Motowidlo and Van Scotter (1994) reported a significant correlation (r = .26) between internal locus of control and organisational citizenship performance. More recently, Funderberg and Levy (1997) found a .33 correlation between locus of control and self-reports on the altruism dimension of OCB, but a negative correlation of .34 with peer ratings on the same OCB dimension. Facteau, Allen, Facteau, Bordas Tears, (2000) found low negative correlations between locus of control and citizenship performance. Neuroticism (emotional instability) has a negative relationship with citizenship behaviour. Those who score high in neuroticism tend to be more preoccupied with their own anxieties and presumably do not have the emotional stamina to concern themselves with others problems or general system requirements unrelated to their own immediate needs (Smith, Organ Near, 1983). Bogler Somech (2004) found that self-efficacy was a significant predictor of OCB. Their results showed that self-efficacy, significantly predicted organisational commitment. The importance of self-efficacy as a predictor of all three outcomes can be understood if we relate to the original concept of self-efficacy developed by Bandura (1977). According to Bandura, self-efficacy is based on two dimensions that he labelled ‘‘outcome expectancy’’ and ‘‘efficacy expectancy’’. ‘‘Outcome expectancy’’ implies that an individual estimates that a given behaviour will result in certain outcomes. ‘‘Efficacy expectations’’ refer to behaviours toward the expected outcomes. Not surprisingly, where teachers report higher levels of self-efficacy, they exhibit more organisational behaviours. Teachers who have high expectations of themselves to perform effectively and successfully in school will car ry out extra functions beyond the formal ones and will feel more committed to their school and to the teaching profession.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Domestic Violence: A Family’s Dirty Little Secret :: Violence Against Women Essays

Domestic violence is an ancient problem. The mere mention of it today as an ongoing crisis should make our society embarrassed. Only within the past decade is our society beginning to realize that we have turned a blind eye to domestic violence. All along we’ve been viewing domestic violence as merely a moral and ethical dilemma. We’ve convinced ourselves that it was a private family matter and not a criminal act. We have told ourselves that some women deserve it, or perhaps they provoked it to happen. We excuse ourselves from the problem, into an uncomfortable but yet acceptable, part of our culture and convinced ourselves it was acceptable to look the other way. So while we were looking the other way, here’s what has developed. Battering is the single major cause of injury to women...more than injuries cause by muggings, rape, and car accidents combined. It is the second leading cause of death to women age twenty to forty-five. Strangers perpetrate Twenty percent of violent crimes. More than half are committed by the person's partner. Research has shown that 36 to 50 percent of American women will be abused in their lifetime. Women and girls sometimes abuse men and boys, but nine out of ten victims are girls or women (Shannon 11). Domestic violence is not only limited to women though, it has been leaking into high school and college relationships. â€Å"It is now estimated that at least one out of three high school and college-aged youth experience abuse at some points in their relationships. It can range from a single episode to chronic abuse† (Shannon 24). Even more teens will face verbal or emotional abuse during a relations hip, and 10 to 25 percent of girls between the ages of 15 and 24 will be the victims of rape or attempted rape ((Shannon 18). According to a 2008 survey conducted by the Massachusetts Department of Education, 18 percent of females in grades 9 through 12 reported being hurt physically or sexually by a date ((Shannon 35). We use to see this problem as only belonging to families on the lowest of the socioeconomic ladder. Domestic abuse occurs across all economic, religious, racial and ethnic backgrounds.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Women who are subjected to abuse need to understand that they are not the ones at fault. Guys who do this have serious issues. Things like this don’t just come along. They are either learned or brought on by their own insecurities.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sexual Harassment Essay -- Social Issues Violence Crime Essays

Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Men and women explain in differently. When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. At the same time 63% of women would be insulted by it and only 15% of men. The major question today is: What should be considered sexual assault? Many people believe that the seriousness of it is evident, however there are some that disagree, they disagree of what sexual harassment is. What is sexual harassment? –Unwelcome sexual behavior, but another may not unwelcome what is unwelcome by one. People have been arguing on what should be considered sexual harassment and finely came up with a definition for it. Its requests for sexual favors, suggestive looks, and sexual remarks, deliberate touching, pressure for dates, letters and calls, actual or attempted rape (Verbal and physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment). A lot of people feel that categorizing everything from rape to â€Å"looks† as unwelcome sexual behavior makes all of as victims. Should it always be considered an illegal harassment, when a man makes an obscene comment to a woman on the street, when behavior which one woman takes as harassment, could be seen by another as a non-threatening joke. Many believe that legal definition of sexual harassment threatens the freedom of speech; one man’s vulgarity is another mans lyric, and many of the cases are simp... ... to believe it is acceptable to abuse and harass female. To reduce unwelcome sexual behavior men must reexamine their attitudes towards it. We have to establish strong, clear sexual harassment policies in the work places where the majority are men. Women must report all incidents out of fear that their lives and careers would be harmed. Now days law covers any remark or behavior that a â€Å" reasonable women† would find to be threatening. Is that enough? Does it really protect women? Some say yes, and some say no, but as sexual harassment continuous to happened in our society something has to be done. Bibliography. Violent relationships. Texas: Information plus, 1999. Wekeseer c. and Swisher K. Sexual harassment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1992. Black, Beryl. Coping with sexual harassment. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, INK. , 1996. Sexual Harassment Essay -- Social Issues Violence Crime Essays Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Men and women explain in differently. When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. At the same time 63% of women would be insulted by it and only 15% of men. The major question today is: What should be considered sexual assault? Many people believe that the seriousness of it is evident, however there are some that disagree, they disagree of what sexual harassment is. What is sexual harassment? –Unwelcome sexual behavior, but another may not unwelcome what is unwelcome by one. People have been arguing on what should be considered sexual harassment and finely came up with a definition for it. Its requests for sexual favors, suggestive looks, and sexual remarks, deliberate touching, pressure for dates, letters and calls, actual or attempted rape (Verbal and physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment). A lot of people feel that categorizing everything from rape to â€Å"looks† as unwelcome sexual behavior makes all of as victims. Should it always be considered an illegal harassment, when a man makes an obscene comment to a woman on the street, when behavior which one woman takes as harassment, could be seen by another as a non-threatening joke. Many believe that legal definition of sexual harassment threatens the freedom of speech; one man’s vulgarity is another mans lyric, and many of the cases are simp... ... to believe it is acceptable to abuse and harass female. To reduce unwelcome sexual behavior men must reexamine their attitudes towards it. We have to establish strong, clear sexual harassment policies in the work places where the majority are men. Women must report all incidents out of fear that their lives and careers would be harmed. Now days law covers any remark or behavior that a â€Å" reasonable women† would find to be threatening. Is that enough? Does it really protect women? Some say yes, and some say no, but as sexual harassment continuous to happened in our society something has to be done. Bibliography. Violent relationships. Texas: Information plus, 1999. Wekeseer c. and Swisher K. Sexual harassment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1992. Black, Beryl. Coping with sexual harassment. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, INK. , 1996.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Computer Security Examination Essay

Healthcare companies, like ABC Healthcare, that operate as for-profit entities, are facing a multitude of challenges. The regulatory environment is becoming more restrictive, viruses and worms are growing more pervasive and damaging, and ABC Healthcare’s stakeholders are demanding more flexible access to their systems. The healthcare industry is experiencing significant regulatory pressures that mandate prudent information security and systems management practices. Furthermore, the continued pressure to reduce cost requires that management focus on streamlining operations, reducing management overhead and minimizing human intervention. The regulatory focus at ABC Healthcare is on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX). Both pieces of legislation highlight the need for good systems administration and controls, but focus on different aspects of the business. The main focus of HIPAA is to protect personally identifiable health information while SOX is concerned with data that impacts financial reporting. Violations may be met with both civil and criminal penalties. Therefore, the company must be ever watchful of new threats to their systems, data, and business operations. The most prevalent security related threat to on-going business operations is the continued development and propagation of viruses and worms. Virus and worm prevention or containment is a vital component to the overall risk mitigation strategy. Virus and worm outbreaks have multiple cost aspects for the company including lost patient charges due to system unavailability, lost productivity because of recovery efforts due to infection, and potential regulatory impacts depending on the virus or worm payload. However, the company must balance risk with opportunities in order to serve the stakeholders and grow the business. ABC Healthcare’s stakeholders include multiple groups that depend on or need access to clinical and/or financial systems in order to help support and grow the company. The access requirements and associated risk model varies by user group. The main access groups are internal only users (i.e. nurses, hourly employee, etc.), internal/remote users (i.e. salaried employees, doctors, etc.), and business partners (i.e. collection agencies, banks, etc.). Risk mitigation solutions must be developed for each user group to help ensure that the company recognizes the benefit that each group brings and to minimize the risk to business operations. The high-level management goals of the network design implementation are as follows: Support the business and balance security requirements without introducing significant overhead and complexity; Maintain and enhance security without significantly increasing management overhead or complexity; Implement systems that are industry supported (standards where appropriate), scalable, and fault-tolerant; Ensure that the design is implemented to help ensure compliance with any and all applicable regulations; Proper management of access control for legitimate users and malicious users is of the utmost importance for the security of the ABC Healthcare management system. The threat is not limited to outside malicious users but also legitimate users engaged in illegitimate activity. Based on the above description you are to provide a recommendation of how you would address each of the following ABC Healthcare’s computer network security requirements. Note, whereas cost is typically an important factor, this is not a consideration for this case analysis. Therefore, you do not need to include cost estimates. Your solution should have the â€Å"right feel†, despite the lack of depth or details necessary to be accepted by upper management. Be specific in your answers. Write them as if you were writing a proposal to your boss. Since you are developing a solution to a specific circumstance, material that is copied from an outside source will not likely fit so everything should be in your own words. 1. Describe your technical recommendation for addressing the security requirements in the overall technical design of the ABC Healthcare network. This should include both internal and external (untrusted and trusted) aspects. Untrusted would include user connectivity to the Internet. The â€Å"trusted† network has the main purpose of supporting the business functions of known entities (i.e. partners, suppliers, etc.) which have a business relationship with the company. Note that you are to concentrate on the physical and logical level, including the type of hardware and software, however you are not expected to provide specific low level details in terms of equipment suppliers or model numbers, etc. for your recommended design. (30 points) 2. 3. Discuss the way you will address requirements for system monitoring,  logging, auditing, including complying with any legal regulations. (10 points) 4. Describe how the system will identify and authenticate all the users who attempt to access ABC Healthcare information resources. (10 points) 5. Discuss how the system shall recover from attacks, failures, and accidents. (10 points) 6. Discuss how the system will address User Account Management and related security improvements. (10 points) 7. Complete the Cyber Security Action Plan (see attached spreadsheet) (30 points)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ford Motor Company: Supply Chain Strategy Case

Ford Motor Company, incorporated in 190 by Mr. Henry Ford, is one of the largest vehicle markers in the world today. This company employees more than 360,000 employees and has produced more than 260 million vehicles over its history. Since the 1970s, the auto industry has evolved from an industry with only a few large companies to one in which competition has become tough. Instead of two main competitors, Ford now faces foreign automakers in the marketplace. With the increased competition, car dealers are seeing more cars sit on lots for a longer period of time and are now offering a variety of incentives to get people to buy these products. Diagnosis In 1995, the CEO of Ford established an initiative called Ford 2000 in an effort to reduce costs and become more market competitive. This new initiative encompassed all of Ford's activities, such as product development, manufacture and marketing. Most of these projects were based around IT improvements. These improvements were done as an effort to bring Ford closer to all aspects of their supply chain, from their supplier to their customers. In 1998, Ford also opened the first of its Ford Retail Networks. This project was started to help the dealers compete with the real competition, such as GM and Chrysler instead of each other. It also brought Ford closer to the end customer. This Ford 2000 project was a major undertaking, but what is helping the company as a whole? Well, in 1998, the Ford 2000 initiative had raised Ford's profits, return on sales, and had made the company the industry leader in profit per vehicle. Ford had been named the most improved automaker in 1997 by JD Power Initial Quality Study and had become the world leader in trucks. They were making progress, but where still burdened with large inventories. Ford's Director of Supply Chain Systems began to research what Ford could do to decrease these inventories to become the industry leader and to increase shareholder wealth. She did some research into Dell Computers. This company was enjoying 55% per year growth at the time that Ford's growth was steady at about 6% a year. They were also seeing a 133% growth of their stocks while Ford was seeing at 33.4% growth. Dell had adopted a virtual integration business model. Within this model Dell uses the Internet for almost all business activities. Customers place an order specifying exactly what they want. This can be done over the Internet or over the phone. Dell then places an order for the components of this machine over an Internet based JIT ordering system. The parts are received assembled and shipped to the customer within 5-6 days. After much research, the director tried to determined if this same system could be used for Ford Motor Company. Analysis The Director found that there would be several challenges if they were going to implement this type of virtual integration system. First, Ford Motor Company is more than 100 years old whereas Dell was opened in 1984. Since the company is so old and has been doing business the same way for a long period of time, it will be harder to implement a large change such as virtual integration. For example, Ford's procurement process is not where it needs to be if the company is going to virtually integrate. Ford currently has a very large number of suppliers. Procurement personnel are highly involved with every aspect of the supplier relationship, while Dell uses a JIT ordering system. Ford's manual process is more apt to errors than an electronic process would be, but the procurement department has been so powerful for so long that it may be hard to convince those working in this department that this change will be beneficial. The implementation of an electronic ordering system could put some of these employees out of a job. These employees are also choosing suppliers on the basis of cost only. If Ford was going to implement a virtual integration system, procurement professionals would have to take other aspects into account, such as delivery time and willingness to partner. If Ford was going to implement an electronic system for ordering, they would also face some challenges while establishing Internet links with their suppliers. First, they would have to choose whom they would want to partner with in this fashion. Then they would have to determine if these suppliers have information technology systems that would support an Internet based communication system. Currently Ford has started to develop this type of system with their â€Å"tier one† suppliers who are their most advanced and largest suppliers. If they were to extend the electronic ordering to other suppliers who did not have the technology to support this type of system, Ford would be forced to decide if they would want to help their suppliers develop or acquire the technology needed for this interaction. Other issues such as what type of information would be shared and the security system they would use to make sure only those with the need to know would have access to this information would have to be addressed as well. Another challenge Ford Motor Company would face when trying to implement a virtual integration model like Dells is there are some major differences between the computer and automotive industries. An automobile is a more complex product and includes many more parts than a computer. If Ford were going to implement a virtual integration model they would have to manage a larger number of component parts suppliers than Dell is managing, which would add costs. Ford, if moving towards virtual integration, must also address their network of privately owned dealerships. Dell's model of virtual integration includes no dealers or retailers. If Ford were to adopt complete virtual integration, they would technically not have dealers. Having no dealers would not be possible for Ford. These dealerships are franchises that are owned legally by individuals. Also a person that is going to buy a car may not be receptive to ordering one off the Internet. Most people test-drive an automobile before they buy, which could not be done if cars were ordered strictly from the manufacturer. If Ford did not offer test-drives and other companies such as GM did, Ford would have a large disadvantage. Conclusion In order to implement the type of virtual integration model that Dell currently employs, Ford would have to overcome some obstacles. These obstacles come from every aspect of their current supply chain. They would have to partner with suppliers and provide these suppliers the infrastructure and training they would need in order to communicate over the Internet. They would also have to change the way their dealers worked with customers. Since most customers would not accept buying a car directly off the Internet, Ford would have to implement other methods of changing this aspect of their supply chain. Recommendations Although there are several differences between Ford and Dell, I do recommend that Ford implement some of Dell's virtual integration model. I recommend that they set-up an extranet, or extend their current system so that they may use JIT ordering with their suppliers. They could use some sort of incentive plan to encourage their supplier to invest in their technology systems so that they would be able to use this extranet for accepting orders. The amount of money Ford would save from the direct link they would have to their suppliers should supplement the investment they would have to make in developing an extranet. I also recommend that Ford make some changes in the way they interact with their customers. Ford could set-up some type of virtual showroom. This may encourage more customers to order direct from Ford instead of going to a dealer. They could also create an intranet, or enhance their current intranet, in which dealers could check the stock of other dealers for the vehicle a customer is looking for. If they could have this vehicle shipped from one dealer to the other it would not only reduce dealer inventory, but would also please the customer since the lead-time for them receiving their new vehicle would be reduced. Although Ford may never be able to virtually integrate to the extent that Dell has, the company will be able to see cost savings from their integration efforts. Ford should be able to reduce dealer inventories and should be able to move towards a pull strategy of manufacture if they implement these changes.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Answer 2 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Answer 2 questions - Assignment Example In United States, the family decline is apparent due to reasons such as increased rates of illegitimacy, unmarried couple of households and divorce. In US, there has been an extensive increase in the rate of illegitimacy. The birth rate of unmarried women has gone up by a significant percentage. Research showed that the number of illegitimate babies is going up day by day as well increasing the number of single parents. Family divorce is another reason that has tremendously led to family declines (Hobson 76). The family decline is a major has become more obvious in the United States. Parent around the world experiences joys and heartaches due to rewards and challenges of becoming parents. Parenting has remained a baffling subject where everyone has an opinion, but most people do not agree. Parents have a responsibility of preparing children for economic, physical, and psychological situations in which the children must thrive and survive. Being a financial provider is not a choice but a demanding responsibility for parents. Parents often find themselves in a tag of war between the works demands and finding time for their families. Mostly, parents sacrifice their family time for their work by means to ensure that they keep their jobs (Hobson 89). Some parents make a balance between the responsibilities as financial responsibilities and parents as they consider the two responsibilities intertwined. It is quite possible to fulfill the role of a financial provider and a role of a parent at the same time. Maintaining the two responsibilities is realistic as the two r esponsibilities are equally important. Parents believe that fulfilling their role, as the good provider is a fine balance between the families. Parents adjust their work shifts so that they can have time with their children and